Stay Safe Online




Adware stands for advertising-supported software, and is software that displays advertisements. Free software sometimes conceals the fact that it carries advertising, and it may even install a separate adware program onto your computer without telling you. For this reason, it's a good idea to be wary of free software, unless you're confident that the software provider is genuine. Adware is a form of spyware.

Anti-virus software
Anti-virus software detects viruses and other threats to your computer. The software alerts you when it finds a problem, and either removes the problem from your computer or recommends further action.

This is the process we use to verify the identity of individuals logging into the online service.


Your browser is the software on your computer that lets you view websites as words and pictures on your screen. The following browsers are recommended for use with the Sun Trust Group Finance website:

  • Internet Explorer v8 or higher*
  • Mozilla Firefox v3.6 or higher**
  • Google Chrome v11 or higher***

Apple Safari v4 or higherThis only applies to Windows platforms (NT4, 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista), not Macintosh computers.  The service should still work with older version and less common browsers, although we can't guarantee your online experience and we won't be able to investigate any errors you may find.

As new browser versions are released, we will test them for compatibility with our service.


Cookies are small pieces of information that can be placed into your internet browser by a website you have visited. Find out more about cookies.


Dialogue box
A dialogue box is similar to a pop-up window, but looks more like a grey box you might see when using Microsoft Windows. A dialogue box appears on screen to prompt you for a response.


A firewall is a system used to protect your computer from unauthorised network access by third parties.


Internet Service Provider (ISP)
This is the company that supplies you with your internet connection e.g. BT Openworld or Tiscali.


Key logging software
A program which causes every you press a key on the computer to be recorded. The program can remain undetected, recording your passwords, email, websites you've visited or credit card information.


Malware is a broad term covering virsues, spyware and trojans and is short for malicious software.


Operating System (OS)
A program, such as Microsoft Windows XP, that enables your computer to operate software e.g. Microsoft Outlook Express.


An update required to correct a fault within the software that was overlooked at the time it was released. It may also be called a fix or hotfix.

Phishing is the name given to an emails that look like they're from your bank. They may include a link to a fake website that tries to obtain your personal login details. Find out more about phishing.

Pop-up window
A pop-window is a new browser window that opens automatically, without you activating it. Pop-ups are sometimes used by genuine companies to advertise their products.


Spam refers to unsolicited emails offering products and services of dubious benefit. Various types of anti-spam software are available, but the first line of defence may be your own Internet Service Provider, many of whom offer spam-filtering services.

Spyware is software that is installed onto your computer as part of another application. It is designed to communicate information from your computer to a third party without your knowledge. Adware and Key Logging Software are forms of spyware. Find out more about spyware.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate
SSL is an encryption technique for scrambling information (such as bank account details) as it is passed from the sender to the receiver. For a secure transaction to take place, both sides must supply a valid SSL certificate. A web address beginning with ‘https' signifies that SSL is in place and therefore that the website is secure.


Trojans are used by fraudsters to gain access to an individual's PC and to record their online activities without their knowledge. Find out more about Trojans


A virus is a malicious program designed to harm your computer. Find out more about viruses.

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